vrijdag 7 oktober 2011

English Lesson number 1

I'm a copywriter. A Dutch copywriter. There is not a day that I don't hate myself for choosing this occupation. The moment I started to study the language that I was born with, I should have realised that:
a. I was going to enter a world full of experts (because 15 million people know how to write in Dutch);
b. I was blocking every possibility to leave this small and narrow minded country ever;
c. on parties, I would always end up with people bleating something like 'O ... Dutch is so boring, French sounds so much prettier. And English had so much more expressions, synonyms and nuances'. Like those people had ever used any nuanced sentence in Dutch.

However, the pressure rose and now I've signed up for 30 lessons in English writing. My teacher is a native speaker, she's really nice and English and I'm afraid she handles me with too much care, but she makes me feel good about my improvements. She comes every week and leaves me with a writing assignment.

And a really funny thing happened. During the first assignment I wrote, I had a great time. I really loved to write something for myself, something I could single-handedly decide on, without any terrified client or customer panting in my neck (this is actually a Dutch expression, but I think it would work in English as well). I had so much fun that I decided to share my assignments with the world, that is, with the sole reader that accidently finds them on the internet.

So enjoy, and please come back. If you would like to leave any reaction, please don't hesitate to correct my English, after all, that was the whole point.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I'll leave corrections, if any are needed, to the qualified english teachers, some of whom I happen to know rather well. (maybe you could also write : panting down my neck?)
    Your style of writing is very enjoyble, funny and with surprising twists that bring a smile to my face. As it often does when reading your Dutch articles on your business website, I might add.

    So for now, please keep going, you'll soon have many English language clients and customers....

    Bonbon Greet

  2. Actually "breathing down my neck" is better
